Feng Yuanzheng: Letter points direction for Chinese culture development

President Xi Jinping said that China will better utilize Beijing's advantages as an ancient capital and national cultural center to strengthen cultural exchanges with people from all over the world and enhance mutual learning among different civilizations in a congratulatory letter sent to the 2023 Beijing Culture Forum held this week.

The forum opened in the capital on Thursday, themed "Inherit cultural legacies, promote exchanges and cooperation".

The two-day event is jointly hosted by the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee and the Beijing municipal government.

Feng Yuanzheng, president of the Beijing People's Art Theatre, said that Xi's congratulatory letter has clearly pointed out future directions for Beijing to lead the inheritance and development of Chinese culture, and spread awareness about the city's temperament and culture.

Beijing People's Art Theater has its own tradition with a comprehensive system and distinctive features. Feng said innovation has been woven through the history of the famed theater in downtown Beijing and many works of the theater have the power to touch the audience from all over the globe.

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